babirusa buru bahasa Inggris
- buru: "pursue, pursuit"; hunt; hunting; chase
- babirusa bolabatu: babyrousa bolabatuensis
- babirusa togean: togian babirusa
- In absence of detailed data on B. babyrussa, it is generally assumed that its habitat and ecology are similar to that of B. celebensis (north Sulawesi babirusa).
Tidak banyak yang diketahui mengenai habitat dan ekologi babirusa buru, namun agaknya cara hidupnya serupa dengan kerabatnya, babirusa sulawesi (B. celebensis). - Cultivation of rice – the most common crop of the region – is hindered on Ambelau by the hilly terrain and abundance of the wild pig Buru babirusa damaging the crops (which is rarely hunted because of the Muslim traditions).
Sawah padi – hasil panen paling umum di Indonesia – dihindari di pulau ini karena daerah yang berbukit-bukit dan gangguan Babirusa buru yang merusak sawah (yang jarang diburu karena tradisi Islam).